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Thursday, December 30, 2010

For the Love of Movies

Not sure what happens to me after Christmas.

I want nothing more than to stay in my PJ’s and watch movies all day long.

I’m not a big sitter for the most part. In fact I HATE sitting for long periods of time.

That all changes after Christmas. I turn into a BIG couch potato; for a few days at least.  :o)

It must be my body’s way of recuperating after all the holiday craziness.

The holidays this year were a doozie!

In case you’re like me and turn into a movie lush after Christmas I thought I would share a few movies that I really enjoyed……ones that are not record breaking hits but little gems that I rented on a whim and was happy I did!


-Away We go: This was such a GREAT movie. This one is definitely a must. I laughed, I cried, and pondered about few things in life. It was a great flick!


-The Scoop: Thrilling, funny, and a great story line. I plan to watch this one again while I’m on break. :o)



-Stardust: Kent and I both loved this movie! Creative storyline, fun characters, coupled with several laugh out loud moments.  Not sure why but every Christmas I get the urge to watch this while I’m baking. It’s become my little holiday baking tradition. It has nothing to do with Christmas so I have no idea why I like to watch it while I’m getting my Christmas bake on, but I do!


-Last House on the Left: Tristyn Faith, if you’re reading this do NOT watch this preview! My youngest niece reads my blog from time to time.

This is a thriller and will have you on the edge of your seat throughout the whole movie! Let me forewarn you, this movie is not for the faint of heart. It’s bloody and graphic. I had to fast forward though a certain scene that takes place in the woods. I’m sure those of you that have seen this know exactly what I’m talking about. With that being said it’s a really good thriller…..if your into suspenseful movies.



-The Orphanage: Oh my goodness! This move gave me goose bumps! Another one that will have you on the edge of your seat. Not graphic or gory like Last House on the Left  but will definitely keep you on your toes.

50 Frist Dates: Another good one! I saw this when I was still living in China. It was my 1st movie experience in China. You actually get to pick your seat….as if you were going to watch a play , so fancy! Although this movie has been out for awhile I still watch it from time to time. Love the story line, it’s lighthearted, funny, AND has a great soundtrack!

If Only: I have no idea how I came across this movie but boy was I glad I watched it. I think I even called a few friends to tell them about it after I finished watching it. It was really, really, good BUT it’s a tear jerker so be warned.

I think that’s enough for now. I have tons more to share but I’ll save them for another movie post. 

Our Plans for New Years Eve: No fancy-smancy New Years Eve outing for us this year. Kent is recuperating from oral surgery so we have big plans to hang out on the couch and do nothing but watch movies New Years Eve! Is it lame that I’m looking forward to it? 


I Want to Hear From You……….

-If you would like to add any of your favorites to the list feel free to share in your comment. I’m always on the hunt for a good movie!

-Also if you’ve seen any of the movies above I would love to know what you thought!


  1. We watched Zombieland the other night, and I was skeptical b/c T kept saying it was part comedy, but he was right. It was actually really good and had some funny parts, and a great cameo. I'm not at all a horror/gore fan, but it was a good movie.

    The only other zombie thing I can watch is AMC's "The Walking Dead" TV show, which is actually pretty gorey, but I like it b/c it has actual character development...seems like the zombie storyline is just the basis for the general storyline of survival/brotherhood, etc. etc.

  2. Must be nice to lush out and watch movies all day! I'm jealous....

  3. I love this, I have not seen most of those and it makes me want to run out and get them! Thanks!!!

  4. I just watched Knight and Day with Cameron Diaz and Tom Cruise. LOVED it!!!! It's a great girl/guy combo. Has romance for the girls and great action to keep the guys around.

  5. "Away We Go" looks great!
    "Last House on the Left" creeped me out - I too hated the scene in the woods. HORRIBLE!
    Movies I love: "Moulin Rouge" - loud and crazy;
    "Serendipity" - John Cusack - need I say more?!;
    "Hope Floats";
    "Definitely, Maybe" - love it;
    "Little Miss Sunshine";
    "Elf" - makes me smile.
    We love to go to movies and have rarely met a movie we didn't like! But I suppose we don't go to movies that don't appeal to us. Recently saw "The Fighter" in the theater, very good. "True Grit" will be next. :)

  6. How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days!! I LOVE this movie!!! I've seen it at least a million times & I still love it!


I LOVE comments and read them all so knock yourself out! If you have a specific question, feel free to
e-mail me by using my e-mail link in the side bar. I would love to hear from you :o)