I use conditioner as shaving gel. Strange, yes but I promise it will make your legs sooooo smooth and it’s cheaper than buying shaving gel! I get a big bottle of whatever is on sale. It last forever and makes my legs silky smooth!
When I was younger I wanted to be many things:
a marine biologist and perform with Shamu at Sea World,
a travel show host, and a backup dancer.
In my early 20’s I was hired to teach ballroom dancing. I cried when my boss told me I had the job……right there in front of him I started crying like a little baby! When I was younger dancing was my life and he had just made one of my dreams come true. I was an orthodontic assistant by day and an aspiring ball room instructor by night. I had to go through several weeks of training before I could start teaching. I went to my day job at 7am and didn’t get home until 10:30 from practice. In true “Kendra fashion” I didn’t stick with it. I was tried from the long days and spent a ton on gas getting where I needed to be. To this day I still regret that I didn’t follow through with it.
I’m a planner to my demise. Sometimes my OCD planning skills are great other times they’re just plain annoying. Anytime I’m in motion I have a plan for where I’m going and what my next move is. I’m constantly making list in my head.
Smacking and poor manners are my pet peeves but I guess smacking falls under poor manners.
If I want a little treat I stop by QT for a diet Pepsi with a splash of regular Pepsi. Just adding a tiny bit of regular Pepsi takes that diet drink edge off without adding all the all the extra calories of a regular soda.
I’m the baby in my family. I have a HUGE family but
no full brothers or sisters.
Kent and I used to own a pizza restaurant called Slice
I often break out in random song and dance.
I’m glad that Kent finds it entertaining and not annoying!
When I was living in China I slipped and fell in a puddle. Welllll it was a puddle but NOT a puddle of water like I thought it was. It was actually a puddle of chicken blood that the market butcher spilled. It was dark out and there were very few lights on the street. I didn’t catch on that it was blood until I got close to a light and freaked out when I looked down.
When I was teaching in China I got into a tug of war match with one of my students over a comic book. My supervisor was taping my class that day and got the whole thing on camera. I wish I had a copy of that!
Do you have a random fact you want to share?
Spill the beans in your comment below!