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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy 1st Day of Spring


I’m blogging over on my photography blog today and sharing some recent landscape photos I took at the Dallas Spring Bloom event! I always feel so awkward when I blog on my photo blog….

Should I be professional or my wacky self which is soooo not professional?
Should I use slang words like wayyyyy or FUNNESS?
Should I leave my thoughts on each and every photo I post or is that too much?
Should I just post pictures and just keep my mouth shut? Yes, that would probably be best!

I usually end up staring at my computer screen for an hour or so trying to decide what to do then end up posting a few boring sentences.

Soooooo (see I like to use slang and words that do not exist) if you would like celebrate the 1st day of Spring with me I hope you’ll click on the link below and check out what I like to take pictures of while I’m not working!

*Kendra Pryor Photography the Blog*

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