I’m loving summer and enjoying a bit of free time! I took July off (kind of, I’m still working but scheduled a lighter load in July). Summers in Texas are out of control and it’s just too hot for outdoor shoots.
Things pick back up in August so I’m trying to soak in all the summer fun I can!
I thought I would fill ya in on what I’ve been up to this month

I’ve been working out A LOT! I’m actually a little obsessed with my workout class. I’m starting to tone up and I’ve lost weight. I’m the smallest I’ve been in years. Now when I say “smallest” don’t get me wrong, I still have a LONG way to go but it’s been awhile since I’ve seen my current weight on the scale. NO I’m not going to tell you how much I weigh I’ll tell ya when I get skinny though. 

Kent and I did a Harry Potter marathon!
We’re all caught up and ready to watch the last movie in the series!

I’m not sure what happens to me but when summer rolls around I want to put some type of fruit in whatever I’m drinking. If you’ve never put an orange in your ice tea give it a go…..it’s sooo good! “What does this have to do with your summer activities?” you ask. Nothing really but as you know I’m obsessed with taking pictures of drinks (yes I know I’m odd) and well this is what I’ve been drinking this summer so I guess it kind of fits the theme of this post.

I’ve been cleaning and sprucing up the house a bit. Things with work were crazy busy during the spring and I fell behind on all my house work. I’m trying to get caught up so the house will be in tip top shape when things with work pick back up next month.

I’ve been taking advantage of our neighbor pool. We’ve lived in our home for 5 years and I’ve NEVER used the pool. I avoid swimsuits like the plague. If you remember I’m trying to do things that take me out of my comfort zone and getting in a swimsuit is one of those things that make my knees knock. Not sure that I’ll ever be comfortable in a swimsuit but I’m having a great time visiting with my gal pals and relaxing at the pool…...and it’s FREE entertainment which is always a positive in my book!

I’ve been spending a lot of time chit-chatting and catching up with friends at Starbucks. My drink of choice: grande soy ice coffee, 1 pump of sugar free caramel, and 2 splendas…..yum-yum! As a photographer my busy times are during the spring and fall seasons. During the week I’m usually tucked away in my office editing, catching up on e-mails, or meeting with clients. My weekends are usually filled with shoots so things that aren’t work related tend to get a little neglected. Luckily I have an awesome group of friends and family that are supportive and understanding of this! I’m enjoying catching up with everyone while I have some downtime.

Kent and I have been enjoying goodies from our garden! He made a big batch of pesto over the weekend and we will soon be knee deep in cantaloupe. Can’t wait to cut into our 1st home grown cantaloupe. So far we’ve enjoyed okra, tomatoes, lettuce, and several different herbs from our garden. We have green beans and peppers that are starting to come in! I can’t take any credit for it though. Kent works hard to make sure all our little goodies are watered and taken care of.
So there ya have it! My month in a nutshell! I’ve titled July my “Catch Up” month because giving things a title is FUN! I’m catching up on a few behind the scenes things with work, catching up on a few books I’ve been reading, catching up on e-mails, catching up with family and friends, catching up on my housework…see the theme?
Hope you’re enjoying your summer as well!