Some of you may have seen my post about The Night Huntress Series. They have to be at the top of my list! Loved these books!! My Mom who has never touched a vampire romance novel loved them as well. They’ve made their way to all the ladies in my family and even touch the night stand of a few of my friends. Just to warn you……once you start reading you cannot put them down! To read more about these books click HERE.
I’ve read Something Blue but have not read Something Barrowed……..yet. I plan to because I really enjoyed the first novel. Something Blue is an easy read and a page turner. It’s a great lying by pool type of book! Click Here to read more about Something Blue and Here to read more about Something Borrowed.
Lately I’ve enjoyed listening to audio books downloaded for FREE from my local library. That’s right I said FREE!!! I load them onto my MP3 put my ear buds in and go to town. Something about listening to an audio book while I buy groceries at Wally World a.k.a. Wal-Mart makes it more of an enjoyable experience. I listen to audio books while I workout, clean house, and during long commutes! I just finished Smooth Talking Stranger by Lisa Kleypas. It was a great book full of romance, funny moments, and southern hospitality! To read more about this book click HERE
Tips to find these books and others for lower cost or free!
1. Don’t forget about your local library. If they don’t have it in stock some libraries will allow you to request it online and will bring it in from another branch.
2. Half Price Books: I get most of my books at Half Price Books. If you don’t have one in your area look for another local discount book store.
3. A data base of fellow bookies who want to trade books. You just enter the books you want to get rid of and the books that you’re looking for. Swapteee will match with someone who wants to swap for a book you have. You print out postage and mail your book. Super easy and a great way to save!
5. Goodwill: It may take some time to look through all the unorganized books but you can really find some great recently released books and for .49 cents for a paperback……you can’t beat that (unless it’s free)!
6. Host a book swap with friends and family: Pick a local location and have everyone bring books that they are willing to part with. It’s a great excuse for a ladies night and you can leave with a few new to you books.
Now it’s your turn: In your comment tell us the title of your favorite books and why you enjoyed them.