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Friday, August 26, 2011

From my Phone: 3

Oh man it’s been awhile since I’ve done a phone pic post and boy can I tell. I just moved 331 pictures from my phone to my computer……whew! I’ve mainly been using my camera on my phone these days. My Cannon is just too big to lug around am I’m always worried about something happening to it. I upgraded to the Cannon 5D Mark 11 a few months ago and I still need to get it insured. If anything happened to that bay boy I would be in a pickle! 

Get ready for some randomness…..because that’s what I do best!


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Lately I’ve been taking before and after pictures of my meals. I don’t know why I do these things people….I just do.



Free stuff I got after a workout.
It made me happy so I snapped a pic. Who doesn't like something free?



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2nd attempt at making pickles. The 1st time was a huge fail. This time they were yummy!



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Things I get in the mail that make the happy. Well the ballerina guy just cracked me up so I guess you could say he made me happy and laugh out loud!


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I have tons of pics of my workout buddies and the butt sweat we leave behind. We’ve started a butt sweat contest. I won’t go into all the details but so far this spot is in 1st place! Gross yes, but it’s fun!


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Good times with friends! Yes I have a pig as a friend. Look at how cute he is! How could you not want to be his friend!


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Yummy meals and drinks.


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Things I stop and admire.


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Sleeping Abby


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Things that are odd yet awesome at the same time!
1. Guess someone thought that was totally secure!
2. Our HOA has an ice truck come out on the weekends to fill the pool with ice. That’s Texas for ya!
3. Turtles with moss growing on their backs. I named them Harry and Pete.
4. Spiderman catching a ride!


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Dates with the hubby!


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My little love Ninja!

Told ya! That’s a lot pictures and I ‘m just scratching the surface! Did you make it though the whole post?

If you would like to see other post like this you can find them below.
-Phone Pic Post #1
-Phone Pic Post #2

Don’t forget Ninja now has his own facebook fan page! Be sure to click LIKE so you can follow along with all his silly antics! Who doesn’t like funny pictures of a cute bunny!?!?

You can find his page by clicking HERE

I’m linking up with: The Rearranged for Insta Friday 


  1. You crack me up! All your pics are so fun, I've never tried homemade pickles, but they sure look yummy!!!

  2. Kendra, you look amazing! Sounds like the butt sweat contest is paying off :)

  3. Oh my gosh that pig is so adorable and so is your Ninja!


I LOVE comments and read them all so knock yourself out! If you have a specific question, feel free to
e-mail me by using my e-mail link in the side bar. I would love to hear from you :o)