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Thursday, January 27, 2011

iphone Pictures

I take the most random pictures with my iphone! I guess it falls under my OPTD (Obsessive Picture Taking Disorder).



I take pictures of things that “I can soooo totally make!”

IMG_0006     IMG_0218

IMG_0234    IMG_0327





I take pictures of the yummy food we eat!

IMG_0151    IMG_0277

IMG_0381    IMG_0324




I take pictures of our really cute bunny Ninja!

IMG_0036    IMG_0043




I take pictures of embarrassing moments that make me
break out in hives…….


and moments that I wish never happened. 
Oh, I now have black hair by the way.





I take pictures of thrift store finds that I’m too lazy to blog about.

IMG_0296   IMG_0297

IMG_0299   IMG_0298

IMG_0300    IMG_0301




I take pictures of funny moments…….


IMG_0379    IMG_0380


and ones that make me mad!

IMG_0331   IMG_0332   IMG_0333

         IMG_0334    IMG_0335   

Yes I live with someone who doesn’t feel the need to shut cabinet doors or pick up their trash. I took these pictures as evidence to show that someone the mess they leave behind.  




I take pictures of projects I’m too lazy to blog about. I do plan on showing you my laundry room redo……someday!

IMG_0201   IMG_0202







I take pictures of relaxing moments. Hum…..not sure why most of my relaxing moments involve coffee.

IMG_0385    IMG_0360    IMG_0382





I take pictures of this little guy……because really, how could you NOT!

IMG_0308    IMG_0115





We’re really just scratching the surface here but I think that’s enough
iphone pictures for today.

If you would like to keep up we me and all my random iphone pictures feel free to “Like” DPIT facebook fan page. I use my fan page as my makeshift blog and often post pictures and ramblings that I’m too lazy to blog about. Smile You can find it by clicking HERE


What do you take pictures of with your camera phone?


  1. You are too funny! I have tons of pics on my phone too of random things! But oh my that bunny is so stinking cute. I want one of my own!

  2. It cracks me up that you too take pics of things that make you mad! It's funny how they are completely oblivious to it And I take pics of all the "I can make that", my sweetie dog, things that make me go ahhhhh and anything else that strikes my fancy :)

  3. It's like you are.....well....ME!!!!

  4. I totally take pics just like it stands right now I have 434 RANDOM pics on my iPhone :) Oh and I also have a "I cant shut a cabinet or pick up after myself" hubby in my life and it drives me CRAZY!!!

  5. Your bunny is SO cute and of course your pup is too!

  6. Oh where to start...

    1-Is your bunny really named Ninja? Because that's the most awesome thing ever. What kind is he? Mine is a mini-rex.

    2-I take random pictures just like you: things I could make; yummy food; weird people/outfits; etc.

    3-I never knew I had such an obsession about closing cabinet doors until I got married and realized my husband just doesn't care...I DO! :)

  7. I am so guilty of taking pictures of all the above except I don't have a bunny :) What is funny is that I took one yesterday of the car next to me that pulled in after me he was parked so close I had to crawl out the passenger side...geeeeeeze

  8. I don't have an iPhone...I have the world's oldest cell phone that takes such crummy pics, and I don't even know how to get them off the phone. But I do carry my point and shoot Sony in my bag. I also take pics of pretty stuff, food, and YES--coffee!!! We are two like minds, for sure. Your bunny is adorable. :)

  9. cracking up! those pics of your messy hubby make me wanna do that to prove to him since he is convinced he never leaves things laying around!

  10. I always take pics of food & drinks & stuff in stores!! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one!

  11. I do the same of nail polish, shoes, pictres of my hair in the morning, the trees, the snow, things I like, don't like, etc.

    It's fun to scroll through the pictures when I'm waiting in line at the grocery store. :) And post of on FB of course.

  12. First of all, LOVE that pink coat! I take pictures of things I could make too, but I always feel a bit silly doing so. ;-) I have a Blackberry that is possibly the slowest phone in the world, so I can't wait to upgrade to an iphone!

  13. HAHA, I thought I was the only one that took "evidence" pictures of my hubby's mess. I usually find his mess, take a picture and send it to him in a text message :).

  14. Everything like you do. Stuff I want to make, food and just everything you can think of. It's crazy! I love your black bunny. I am really allergic to bunnies or I would have some. If I get within four feet of them their hair finds my eyes and they swell up big time. It takes a few days to get it to go away. :( They are so very sweet. I miss my big bunny I had growing up. His had long floppy ears and was a cutie!
    I love your story! I wish my hubby was my hair dresser! We would save some money. I do his hair does that count????? Happy blogging :) Thanks for sharing.

  15. Oh my gosh. How CUTE is Ninja!? :O (and Parker too)

  16. Love the shoes under your thrift store find pics.

    Coffee would be under my relaxing pics too, I think - who doesn't love coffee? ;)

    I love your pup, SO cute!! :)

    I've grabbed your button and added it to my newly designed blog :) xoxo


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