Are ya ready……no I mean REALLY’s going to be a long post and there may or may not be a quiz at the end. Just saying!
Sooooooo you might want to grab a cup of joe, glass-O-wine, cup of tea, whatever you like to wet your whistle with.
Go on I’ll wait for you.
You’re you back!
Picture and story overload here we go!!!!!!

Not a photographer on this trip:
I left my big girl camera at home and borrowed my friend's waterproof point and shoot camera. I was totally on vacation mode! Although I was constantly saying “Oh the light here is perfect.” or “Oh man I wish I had my camera this would be a great shot.” It was actually kind of nice to take a break.
No stopping to change my exposure or think about composition nope I decided I wanted to take a break from being the girl who is always taking pictures. I just wanted to chill and take it all in.
We cruised out on the Carnival Magic for a 7 day cruise stopping at Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel.
A few of our friends joined us for the adventure. Say hi to…….
*Marcus*, his better half *Ashley *, annnnnnd the beautiful *Ginger* or as I like to call her Ginga. If you’ve watched some of our You Tube videos you’ve seen this folks before.

We had a blast on the boat
-We stuffed our faces. Eating becomes a hobby when you’re cruising. Yes, my typical eating went out the window. I had carbs, ate dessert every night, and a pretty much anything my little heart wanted. I also came home with an additional 2 pounds. Eh it was worth it.
-We laid out…..tons! I know it’s crazy and as you know I am crazy so this may not be a shocker to you BUT out of everything we had planned I was the most excited about laying out and reading. I know LAME…….right? I just wanted to be still and not think for several hours….or maybe days and that’s just what I did. It was nice.
Yes I wore sunscreen!

-We had tea! This was one of my favorite things we did on the boat. A hot beverage and my sweet addiction united into one chill event……HELLO!

-We took tons of annoying pictures that WE thought were hilarious! I was too cheap to buy them so I took a picture of them with my phone…..shhhhhhh.

This is without alcohol. We don’t need no stinking liquid courage to let loose and have fun. We’re naturally this annoying.

-We danced. Oh because there is always dancing! I now know I should NEVER wear that dress again. I looks like a big sack on me.
-We enjoyed the balcony. Kent decided to upgrade up to a balcony room. I gave him a hard time about it in the beginning. This is our 3rd cruise and we’ve always been fine with the doll size rooms. I didn’t think we should spend the extra cash but boy was I wrong. WE LOVED IT! We got to watch the boat dock in the different ports and had coffee out there in the mornings. I was told once you go balcony you don’t go back. Umm yeah I think they’re right!

I also got to do this from our balcony!
I gave Blossom a run for her money in my big floppy hat!

1st Stop: Jamaica

It was super relaxing! We had a lot of down time on this excursion so we just chilled and took in the sights.
-And we ate: Wish I would have taken more pictures of formal night. It’s was kind of neat for us. Kent wore the same suit, tie, and shirt, we were married in and I wore the dress I changed into at our reception. I had to get it altered since I’ve lost quite a bit of weight since our wedding. Getting something altered because it’s way to big is a gooooood feeling!

2nd stop: Grand Cayman
I didn’t take 1 stinking picture and it was beautiful! The water looked like pool water. We went to the beach hung out and snorkeled. Now that I’m watching Shark Week it’s totally freaking me out because we swam pretty far out. No boat to swim to if we saw a shark so we were pretty much SOL if a shark was feeling hungry. Love swimming in the ocean but I always get a little freaked out.
Last Stop: Cozumel
We drove doom buggies through the rainforest, jumped off a cliff, and went to a top secret bat cave. It was definitely an adventurous day.

See those little black things in the water. Those are baby Piranah. I know….we’re so brave! Okay maybe they were baby tilapia but still sooooo scary!
To get to the bat cave you had to swim under stalactites. It was pitch black and the water was 66 feet deep. I’m certain we were swimming with a bunch of monsters.
I would just like to toot my own horn for a little bit: Out of our whole excursion group we were the only ones that jumped off the cliff and went into the scary bat cave. We had our own little private tour in the bat cave which was pretty neat although I couldn’t see a thing so the tour guide could have told me mermaids lived in there and I would’ve believed him.

After Cozumel we were at sea for a day then back home….poo.
Talk about culture shock. Who was going to make my bed, leave me clean towels shaped like little animals, cook us 4 course meals and do the dishes. I want to go back!
And that’s all she wrote!
I was kidding about the quiz don’t be scared.