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Monday, June 17, 2013

Our Story: Part 4 Vlog

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If you’re new to the “Our Story” vlog series you can get caught up by clicking HERE  

I intended for this to go up this morning but I completely forgot how long it takes to load videos to YouTube (soooo sloooooow). Hopefully y’all are still teetering around on the computer and catch this post!
My goal is to have a new clip posted 1st thing Monday mornings so check back early next week!

For those of you that are all caught up let’s get the ball rolling!


  1. A few things, gorgeous wall and chair and you look AMAZING!!!! I'm dying to hear the rest!!!! Love to you guys and Weston!!!


I LOVE comments and read them all so knock yourself out! If you have a specific question, feel free to
e-mail me by using my e-mail link in the side bar. I would love to hear from you :o)