I just couldn’t help myself! He had my heart the second I laid eyes on him.

My Mom moved to what we call “The Farm” which is roughly 2 acres of land about a year ago. We just LOVE it! We have the best time hanging out on the property and enjoying the new animals she’s added to the family. Well, a few weeks ago her friend gave her a bunny as a gift. I fell in love with it…she’s a total snuggle bunny and loves to be around people. I decided that I MUST have one of my own but knew that Kent wouldn’t love the idea of a new pet so I decided I would buy it, keep it at my Mom’s place and take it home for a visit every now and then. I thought her bunny needed a friend!

We loaded up and headed over to pick out our new bunny. I called Kent (who was not with us) and told him that I was buying a bunny to keep at my Mom’s house. He was fine with it. Well, as soon as I saw the little guy my heart melted. I couldn’t leave him at my Mom’s, I wanted to take him home so I could snuggle with him. I think my Mom knew all along that I wouldn’t be able to part with the little sweetie.

To make a long story short this little guy now lives fulltime with Kent and I, he’s an inside pet, he’s moved into a bunny condo (which I made sure has wheels so i can tuck it away when we have company), the dogs are warming up nicely to him, and Kent talked me into getting another one so the little guy has a buddy to play with. I called the breeder and we’ll be brining home a second bunny in 2 weeks! I wasn't too crazy about getting another one but did a ton of research and talked to a few bunny owners and they’ve all told me that rabbits are active and enjoy having a friend to play with. What the hay….why not….right?
Who is this little guy?
*We named him Mochi, after the Japanese dessert.
*He’s a 6 week old Lionhead Bunny and will look something like this when he’s older, (different markings of course).
*Bunnies can be litter trained and are surprisingly clean animals. Many people let them roam their house. Mochi will be in a cage when he’s not supervised but when he gets bigger we’re going to fence in a little area in the house that will be safe for him to play in.
*Did you know that rabbits are the most common one pet in Japan? I had no idea but after doing a lot of research I can see why people are so crazy about them.

I’m really surprised how much Kent likes Mochi. He’s not ga-ga over him like I am but he does like him. I was floored when he suggested that we should get another one. He called me this week and asked me to bring Mochi up to his office….so silly! Mochi and I went on a little field trip to Kent’s work and the ladies loved him. A few ladies from his office are now getting bunnies too.
I will say that buying a bunny should not be a split decision. If you deiced that you want to bring a bunny into your home be sure to do your research! They need to be on a special diet, and need lots attention. I’ve leaned more about rabbits this week then I ever thought possible.