The title says it ALL this post if full of randomness.
Just a collection of things that have been on my mid.
*Our wedding is 5 months away! I can’t watch anything wedding related without getting teary-eyed. I’m an emotional mess lately and it’s all because I’m so grateful for what I have.
Kent and I have been together for 10 years…..dated for 5, engaged for 5. We’ve over come so much during that time from the loss of my step father who we both loved very much, me moving off to China and leaving him behind in hopes of fulfilling something I thought I was missing, to all the trials and tribulations of being in a multi cultural relationship. We have learned, grown, hit rock bottom, and built our self's back up. We had the odds against us but we’re making it and I couldn’t ask for a better mate. It’s because of all this that I get so emotional when I think about becoming his bride. Geesh I’m tearing up again.
Below is a little hint about our wedding. I’ll fill you in on more details in a later post.

* I’ve been so focused on work that I have not planned 1 thing for our wedding! We need to send out save the dates, make reservations for airfare and hotel, deiced if want to have an at home reception, blah….blah….blah. I do know what we’re going to do for our save the date cards (it’s going to be silly). I think I know what colors I want. We have a date and a place to get married. That’s where my planning has stopped. Oh and I have a dress.
* When the weather starts to get cooler I pull out the tea. I love a good cup of tea and drink it English style (with a bit of no lite dairy cream and sugar aka Splenda) when I’m feeling fancy.
Here is my current favorite flavor:

I like variety so to keep from all the tea boxes overtaking my cabinets I cut the label off the box and place it with the tea bag inside a plastic baggie. It keeps the tea fresh and helps me remember what’s inside. Yes I could just write the name of the tea on the bag but I like to make things harder for myself.
* I’m planning on decorating early for Christmas this year…..I’m talking the beginning of November early. November is going to be a packed month for Kendra P. Photography and I think I would be stressed to the max if I left the decorating till the end of the month. We’re hosting Christmas dinner this year so things need to be in tip-top shape!

(Kent surprised me with a D SLR last year. This is one of the 1st pictures I took with it.)
* I’m obsessed with nutcrackers and have been since I was a very little girl. I still have the 1st nutcracker I received when I was a wee whippier snapper. I’ve already started buying new nutcracker ornaments for my nutcracker tree. I’m soooo excited to get all my BIG nutcrackers out of their boxes! Really, my infatuation is sick!

* Another reason I’ve been so emotional lately. These are images that are on their way to some of my clients. I look at this and think about everything we (I say we because Kent has put in as much as I have) accomplished this year and I’m just so grateful. Grateful to Kent, grateful to my family, and grateful for my amazing clients. Really, everyone has been so sweet! No real horror stories yet (fingers crossed).
My portfolio and knowledge as a photographer continues to grow and I get tickled each time I book a session. My calendar is almost full for the year! I’m so grateful for the opportunity to add photographer to my resume. I’ve been very blessed and have many people that support me in this journey.
I guess we could sum this little tidbit up and just say extremely grateful!

* Look at this little cutie. I recently put in an order for a few newborn hats to use as props for my upcoming new born sessions. Looking at this makes me want one of my own even more than I already do. I can’t wait to become a moma! Something else that will probably make me cry like a baby. I’m sure if we’re blessed with a baby in the future I will cry from excitement and gratitude for the whole 9 months.
I’m not joking….I’m pretty sure I will. What a gift to become a mom!
*I've never wanted this many electronics in my life. The problem with wanting tons of electronics is that they are usually expensive. Here’s my list
-KitchenAid Mixer
-New computer for editing purposes
-Video camera
-Ink Jet Printer (we have a laser printer which is awesome but I would like an ink jet for crafting purposes)
Sad right! Shame on me for wanting these things but I can’t help it, I really do! If someone has a KitchenAid mixer that they can’t wait to get out of their kitchen send it to me…..I’ll put it to good use! 
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
I’ll be back on Sunday with our photo chat.