Did you see our last post? I sure hope so or this will be a big surprise!
If you haven’t seen our announcement post click HERE to see what you missed!
I have a few vlogs that help tell baby number #2’s story as well as few things I want to share that I didn’t vlog. We’ll have a little vloggin’ and a little bloggin’ !
Let’s start with how I told Kent.
Be sure to listen closely at the end. Weston has a surprise for ya.
Kent’s reaction cracks me up!
It’s totally him and right on par with his reaction when to our 1st pregnancy.
He’s more of a “Meh” kind of guy.
I’m more of a “What the what!!???!!!??” kind of gal.
It works!
The gender!
I’m sure you know if we’re having a girl or boy if you saw our 1st post.
Buuuut just for fun I recorded my reaction to the news.
LET ME WARN YOU I go into the “Ugly Cry”.
Like I can’t even talk, looking like a hot mess, kind of cry.
It’s not pretty and I’m still a little surprised I’m sharing this but here ya go……
Does my reaction look familiar to my mom’s reaction to our 1st pregnancy?
She hates that I shared that video
But come on her reaction was precious!
How could I not share?
I sent her a text yesterday to tell her that she was about to get her revenge.
Although I am posting this of myself. Not sure if that can be considered revenge.
Either way mom if you’re reading I’d say this has your cry clip beat!
The due date!
May 5th is our estimated due date.
I’ll be 16 weeks pregnant on Monday, 11.17
With all the hoopla the holidays bring I have a feeling it’s going to fly by!
January will be here before we know it.
I’ll be large and in charge setting up his nursery. I’ll blink and he’ll be in my arms!
Not matter how excited I am to meet this sweet nugget I’m going to refrain from rushing things.
I really want to slow it down and cherish my bump, the new baby planning stages, and our last few months as a family of 3.
The name!
Y’all this baby was HARD to name!
If you listened to the gender vlog I talked a little about Kent’s feelings about Weston’s name.
He’s not a fan.
I loooove Weston’s name!
In fact after recently looking at literally 1,000 boy names I know for a fact that Weston is currently my favorite boy name.
Not only do I love his name but it fits our little crazy to a T.
He totally looks like a Weston.
Right (see below)?
I feel bad that Kent doesn't love what we named our son. It was new news to me when he told me.
This time around he decided to voice his opinion on names which made things super hard.
He’s more of a top 10 most popular name kind of guy and I would rather pick something a little more creative.
Sorry if your kid’s name made it to the top 10.
I’m sure it’s lovely but I wanted something that was as equally different as Weston.
Not weird, not crazy crazy uncommon, but different.
I could write a whole post on the name alone but I won’t bore you with all the details.
In a nutshell
After being tired of talking, looking, thinking, even arguing over names.
I asked Kent to choose a name.
I picked Weston’s name so I thought it was only fair that he picked this time around.
Within 30 minutes baby boy #2 had a name.
A name picked out all by his daddy
Its precious, sweet and I love that Kent picked it on his own!
His name is……….

The Boy Mom.
I’ve been a little surprised at people reactions to the gender news.
We told close family and friends very early that we were pregnant.
When you find out your preggers when your 2 weeks along it’s hard to keep the secret!
Most including myself thought we were having a girl. I didn’t think I was having a girl because it was what I wanted. In fact Kent and I were hoping for a boy.
This pregnancy started off a little different than my 1st.
Never tossed my cookies but tons of food aversions and that 24HR nausea.
I was sick with Weston but not as bad. So of course I thought well this must be a girl.
We picked a girl name. I planned a girl nursery. All the while telling myself that I can do this.
Yes being a mama to a boy is all I know and I would love for Weston to have a little brother but a girl would be fun as well. Maybe we’ll hit the jackpot and create a sweetheart that never fights with her mama and decides to not date until she’s in her 20’s!
When I got the call that we were having a boy I had literally seconds before saw some really cute baby girl clothing at Marshall’s and decided that I could totally do the girl thing. It was like a light switch flipped. I told myself that would pick out an outfit if I got the call while I was there.
I did get the call seconds after I decided I was on board with having a girl.
The nurse told me it was a boy!
I was overwhelmed with emotion excited, surprised, happy!
I felt blessed to be a mama to another boy.
Tickled that Weston is going to have a little buddy to grow up with.
Eeeeek 2 boys! I still can’t help but smile when I say that!
When I told others the news I got……
”2 Boys? You’re going to be busy!”
”You cried? Were you sad?”
”Oh another boy?”
Boy or girl we would have been happy.
Why would I be sad? I was elated!
Not “Oh I’m having another boy. Boohoo.”
More like “I’m having another boy!!!!!!!”
We’ve been blessed with another pregnancy and the gift of growing our family.
There’s not a day that I take that for granted and having another boy is just the icing on the cake!
Kent and I had a date night to celebrate after we got the news.
I smiled the whole night and haven’t stopped.
The journey to meeting Carson.
I’ll be sharing this pregnancy just like I did Weston’s via Instagram and our blog! I cherish Weston’s pregnancy post and random Instagram photos I took while he was my bump.
I look back at them often and I want to be sure and do the same for Carson’s pregnancy.
This time around I’ll be throwing pregnancy vlogs into the mix.
Sometimes it’s just easier to sit down in front of a camera and have a chat with y’all!
Ya know?
Don’t worry though.
I know some of you prefer blogs and I love them too so I’ve decided to do a mix of both!
While I will be sharing our journey to meeting our sweet Carson.
I don’t think I’ll post weekly pregnancy updates to the blog but we’ll see how things go.
It feels so good to share this news with y’all!
It’s been hard keeping it a secret for almost 4 months!
Now I don’t have to watch what I say.
I no longer have to check photos before I share them to make sure the bumps not showing.
I can share plans for the nursery and cute clothes that I’ve bought
I can shout it from the rooftops……
I’M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!
What’s coming up?
I’m taking 3 months off this winter and plan to do nothing but organize my home, visit with family and BLOG!
Oh gosh how I’ve missed it!
I’ll be finishing up my fall work load next week and have some fun post planned so stay tuned!
Instagram: Kendra.Pryor