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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Organizing Magazines

If you’re anything like me you may possibly be....... a magazine hoarder. I love home décor magazines and often keep them to use as inspirations for later projects. This has left me with piles of unorganized magazines. If I ever want to refer back to something I’ve seen there’s no way I would be able to find it. I decided to sit down and do something about it!

I knew this would be an ongoing project and wanted to keep the supplies I would be using in a nice organized place. Not that it’s "organized" but this Goodwill basket houses most of the items I used for this project and made it much easier to clean up when I was done. When I’m ready to work on it again I can just get this little guy back out and I’m ready to go!

I cut, ripped, and pasted. My handy dandy tray was very useful! To see this guy get a makeover click here. I did most of this project while watching T.V., Big Brother to be precise. It was a pretty relaxing project and I enjoyed looking through all my old magazines.

Finish product: A notebook full of what else but……inspirations and how-to’s!I wanted it to be simple and easy, as little fuss as possible. I knew if I went overboard making every page beautiful with embellishments and scrapbook goodness I wouldn’t up date often and would find myself with another stack of unorganized magazines.

I titled the sections: Inspirations, Projects, Tablescapes, Garden/Yard, Seasons/Holidays

I forgot to include a picture of this but I purchased plastic dividers that have little pockets on the front. That way if I’m looking through a magazine and see something I like I can rip it out and store it in the appropriate diving folder. When I’m ready to work on this again any new pictures I’ve come across will be organized and waiting to be included in the notebook.

For DIY projects I made sure to keep the directions next to the project picture so I will be able to find them. If the project was self explanatory I would make a few notes next to the picture to remind myself of a few steps or suplies I would need.

I also added pages that had info I thought would useful. This page talks about all the different types of lighting and which wattage would work best for different settings.

A couple pages from my Seasons and Holidays section. Fall is my favorite time of year. I just love the smells and colors. I’m cheating a bit and already have my pumpkin spice candle out!

I have another notebook I put together and use as a makeshift cookbook. I titled dividing tabs by course (such as appetizers, soups, salads…….). The little plastic sleeves come in handy and keep the recipes from getting dirty while I’m cooking.

It’s hard to tell in the picture but the note book has a plastic folder attached to the cover that I use to store recipes as I come across them. I have a few in there now that I need file.
So, what do you do with all your magazines?
If you're new to Domestic Princess in Training click the links below to see past projects


  1. What a great idea! I need to do this for my recipes...I wish I was as organized as you are! Plus, you made it so cute!

  2. What a great idea! I just pile mine up in a basket. You wanna come organize mine?

  3. Mine are in a pile in my craft room. A huge pile.

    However, if I see things online that inspire me, I print them out and put them in separate binders according to craft ie decorating, scrapping, stamping, holiday crafts, etc.

  4. Super idea ! I have piles of magazines....would take me years.....LOL !

  5. I love your method! I just started using file folders to organize my inspiration pages

  6. What a fun blog!!!Thanks for adding it to the blog roll over at Blue Cricket!!!

  7. I do this with my magazines too, but I'm not nearly as crafty. I still have hundreds to go through.

    And I hope you had a happy birthday!

  8. I just found your blog and was reading through it and found this post. I do the exact same thing with magazines and recipes! I'm so glad other people share my love for staying organized and crafty!

  9. awesome! i do this exact same thing ! I have about twenty binders filled !!!


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