My bridal shower was last weekend and boy was I spoiled! It was beautiful and quite possibly the nicest bridal shower I’ve ever been to!
I wanted to do something special for my hostesses with the mostesses so I put together a little coffee gift basket as they too are fellow coffee lovers!
On a side note reason #1,405 why I LOVE having a facebook account for this ol’ blog here. I needed some ideas for a hostess gift so I jump on facebook and asked my lovely fan’s (oh it feels weird to say fans, lets go with bloggie friends)! Anyhoo I had several people willing to share ideas. Jillian suggested a coffee gift basket and 2 out of the 3 hostesses are coffee lovers so it was a great idea! Sonya suggested a charm which was another fab idea because my mom (who happened to be hostess # 3) has a Pandora charm bracelet and I knew she would love to have a charm to remember the occasion. Thanks so much for all the great ideas! Y’all are awesome!
Okay back to the project………

I hit up Target and bought for all the fixins for the gift basket! I should have bought extra pails…..I see many a project for those little guys!
Target carries my all time FAVORITE travel mug. It’s made by OXO. It’s their liquid seal travel mug and let me tell ya it’s the bomb! I can fill it will coffee and throw it in my purse and never worry about it spilling. No I’m not in any way affiliated with OXO I just really like the mug….can you tell?

I filled the bottom of each pail with a torn up cereal bar box to give the goodies I filled it with a little height.

I used my hot glue gun to glue the biscotti around the outside of the pail. Then I filled it will a little shredded paper from the Dollar store and added the rest of the goodies to the pail.

Once everything was nestled inside I wrapped it up with a cellophane gift bag and tied it with a little raffia. I like the way it turned out!
This would be a great birthday gift as well!
On to the shower!
I was busy being the guest of honor and failed miserably at taking pictures. My mom manned the camera for me a bit so I have tons of pictures of me doing this……..

Flattering right! Don’t worry mom I’ll get ya back! ;o)Remember she doesn’t read my blog. If ya don’t read my blog you’re fare game, HA, HA, HA, HAAAA! ;o)

I tried to break as many ribbons as possible. Lots of babies for us please! Kent wants 2 but I would be smitten with 3 or 4! That way if we have a screw up we can still have hope for the others…..I kid, I kid!

We had lots of yummy food!

The decorations were beautiful! My sis-in-law made the wreath above. She’s pretty awesome! No really, she’s pretty AND awesome! She paid me to say that. ;o)

We got some really great gifts!

Oh yeah, and someone officially became my mini me…..TWINS! I can’t believe we were almost wearing the same thing…too funny!
It was a GREAT shower. I wish I took more pictures but what can ya do! I’ll make up for it at the wedding I’m sure!
3 weeks till we say I DO!
Links found in this post:
-To find Domestic Princess in Training on facebook click HERE
-Want to buy my all time favorite coffee mug? You can find it HERE
-To visit my sis-in-laws blog click HERE
-Want to know what a Pandora charm bracelet is click HERE