Something I use to dream about has now become reality……….
I have my very own craft room! I finished a few weeks ago but I’ve been pondering how I wanted to share it with you y'all. For now I think I’ll show you a few pictures and break down my favorite projects in later post.
I set a few rules for myself before I tackled this room.
1. Try to use mainly repurposed items (thrift store goodies, items I had on hand)
2. Keep the cost as low as possible. Who am I kidding; this should be my life’s mantra. Even if we were super wealthy I think I would still have a passion to thrift and do things on the cheap. It’s more fun that way! Don’t you think?
Ok, let get this little tour started!

The craft room is nestled between our dining room and kitchen. This is the view from the kitchen looking into the craft room. It’s not closed off which I love! I can craft away and still talk to Kent while he’s watching T.V. in the living room. Eventually I want to hang curtains in the open areas between the kitchen and dining room; mainly to hide the mess that comes along with crafting. ;o)

View from the dining room looking into the craft room.

See the open area between the two rooms? This will eventually be where I’ll hang curtains to separate the two spaces. I hope to save my dinner guest the
pain from seeing my crafty messes.

The chair was previously in our bedroom and lived its life as Kent’s clothes rack. I figured this beauty was way too high class to be a clothes rack so I gave it a new life and moved it into my craft room. It’s now where I spend many mornings/nights drinking coffee and reading. Love it!

I bought the little antique chest at an auction a few years back for the steep price of $5 ;o) (I know I got a good deal….right?). No one wanted it but I thought she was reallll purty (aka country talk for pretty). It use to be nasty green but I brightened it up with a little spray paint. The white basket was a Goodwill find.
Most of these items were purchased at Goodwill or things I already owned.

This little guy has been shoved in a closet for the past few months. I had no idea where I was going to put him when I brought him home but knew I couldn’t pass him up for $7.00. He use to be bright gold so I gave him a good coat of black spray paint and added a little bow.

An old garage sale picture turned into an inspiration board (more on this later).

Don’t really know what this thing is called but I call it my ribbon holder.
I picked it up at GW for $1.99.

My favorite thing in the room is the antique lamp I purchased for $7.00 at a local thrift store. I paired with a modern lamp shade I wasn’t using. I love mixing old with new and do so throughout my home.

Closer look at the lamp. I still can’t believe I found this!

I love the rough leather handles on this GW basket.
I did pretty good sticking to the guide lines I laid out for myself. The only thing new that I bought are the two black shelves next to the desk. Trust me, I looked high and low for some used ones but I couldn’t beat their super low price tag. They were on sale at Wally World for $25 apiece!
Want to know where I got the inspiration for this room? You’ll never guess……
![31z6GbEHSjL[1] 31z6GbEHSjL[1]](
Yup, and Altiods container! Here’s proof that inspiration can be found anywhere! I still have the original Altoids container that inspired the color palate for this space and have a fun craft planned for it. I’ll share once I finish it up.
Thanks for hanging in. I know this is a LONG post but there is just too much to share. I’m loving my new space and really can’t believe I have my very own area to create in. No more lugging craft supplies up and down the stairs! I still have a few more things I want to do to finish out the room (rug, curtains, lampshades for the chandler) but for now I’m enjoying
my little getaway it as it is.