As I talked about below I wanted to redo the canvases above my T.V. Kent (my fiancee) built me some new and improved frames for my project! It’s so nice to have fiancee that’s handy….he’s my Mr. Fix-It and has the shirt to prove it! Anyway, this required a trip to Fabric Yard located in Carrollton, TX. I was blown away by this place. I can’t believe that I am just now finding out about it. It was so awesome that I had to share my visit with you!

It was literally aisle and aisle of fabric. I walked around a good 30 minuets just to look at everything before I even started thinking about the fabrics I wanted for my project.

They have a wonderful selection of fabrics with beautiful patterns. I could have taken a ton of photos but people were starting to stare so I had to tone it down. Their prices were pretty good. The nicer fabrics were more expensive (which is expected) but they had a great selection of middle range and lower priced fabrics as well. I got so many ideas from just looking at all the different selections. I’m trying to work on finishing one project before I start another or I would have left the store with a lot more fabric than I did.

Not only did they have a huge fabric selection they also rows and rows of trim and tassels!

After a few hours and many, many options I decided to go with these fabrics. I think they complement each other well and will look great in my living room. I hope it gives it a little pop and adds a little fun to the space. 3 yards of fabric =
Step 1: Build a wooden frame. It’s hard to tell from this photo but Kent built a square wooden structure and nailed a piece of wood in the middle to help the fame keep its shape. We purchased the wood at Home Depot. It was
$5.00 for enough wood to build all three frames with some wood left over.
Step 2: Iron fabric if needed and staple fabric to wooden frame. Be sure to pull fabric tightly while stapling to help with wrinkling. The green fabric I chose still wrinkled a bit but I’m ok with it. The hardest part of the project was making sure the corners were pulled tightly and looked good. If you decide to do this project take a look at the corner I did in this picture. I kind of wrapped them like a present. If you do not like this method you can also cut the fabric along the corner at a diagonal.

Here is the finished project! It turned out pretty good until I noticed that the fabric on the far right was off centered and looked like the polka dots were sliding off the fabric. So if you decide to take this project on be sure that you are checking the alignment of the fabric as you’re going along. I ended up taking it down and still need to fix it. All in all it turned out great and really warmed up the room. I will post better pictures once I fix my little mess-up.
Total for this project including wood and fabric= $35.00Great price and a fun way to fill up wall space. I love that you can change it up when you get bored of the colors and or fabric. This would also be fun for a kids room, game room, above a bed….there are so many things you can do with this idea. It’s a great way to have fun with prints and color. If you try it out let me know. I would love to see your results.
I love your creativity Kendra! Too cool!