My day starts off at 6am.
I turn the alarm off roll out of bead and head down the hall to my office.
Yes, still in my PJ’s, makeup free, morning breath an all!
Good thing my co-worker has bad breath too!
I check my e-mail and usually edit a few of my personal images (non work related).
I count that as my “Me Time”.

Lesson learned: It’s hard to take a picture of a computer
screen in bad lighting. Maybe it’s hard in any lighting!
Head downstairs……….

Do the dishes and pick up the kitchen.

Make my morning coffee.
I was excited about trying my new Vanilla Spiced Rum cream.
It was a unnecessary impulse buy but it added a little joy to my morning. ;o)
Having cream in my coffee is a rare treat for me. I try to use only use it once a week.
Well, I typically use a non dairy, low-fat cream but that doesn’t count.
Nope, the powder stuff is nowhere near as good as the real stuff.

Head back upstairs.
Not before I stop to take a scary, makeup free, looking like a mess shot of myself.
Yes, I do this every morning.
I kid, I kid! I took this solely for you guys.
Wanted to show you how purdy I look in the morning. ;o)
Again I’m joking….just in case you missed that. :o)

Get comfy at my desk and write my goals for the week in my goal journal.
Answer emails, edit images, write a few thank you letters to my clients, blah, blah, work, blah, blah.
Several hours later……

I head downstairs for some lunch.
On today’s menu we have a tofu, pork, with Asian greens soup thanks to chef Kent.
He usually makes a big pot of veggie soup on Sundays that I eat on throughout the week.
After lunch I head back upstairs and (take another bad picture of my computer screen) proof a few sessions.
“What does proofing a session mean?” you ask.
I look though images from a session, make notes, and write down the image number of the pictures that are keepers.
At least this is my definition of proofing a session. :o)

On this particular day I had some errands to run so I got dressed and headed out the door.
It was 87 degrees in Dallas that day.
I know, pure craziness!
We’re supposed to get a cold snap on Thanksgiving.
Bring on the cold weather!
I LOVE it!
Did a bit of Christmas shopping at Target and Marshalls.
I may or may not have bought a few things for myself.
Stopped by the bank.
Got gas.
Popped into Pier One.
Carried around a few nutcracker ornaments that I thought I needed.
Had a heart to heart with myself about not needing said nutcracker ornaments.
Put them back as I headed out the door.
Looks like my heart to heart with myself worked!
I left without spending dime.
Go me!
Headed home………..

Made my second cup of coffee.

Sipped on my coffee while starting a load of laundry, doing a bit of picking up. and going through the mail.
I have 5 arms in case you didn’t know that.

Dinner and a bit of T.V.
I watched Little People Big World.
Kent was working late so I had some soup and a smoke turkey sandwich.
Kent smoked a big turkey over the weekend so we’ll be munching on that this week.
Kent gets home as I’m finishing dinner.
We chat for a bit.
Then I head back up to the office.

Answer emails, and edit images, work, blah, blah, work.
Get a call from a client.
It’s a bit late for work calls (10pm) but she has great news.
So it’s alllll good!
More work and several hours later……
I’m hungry.
Have another heart to heart with myself.
Do I want a snack?
I decide I do!

Back downstairs for some soymilk and a Kashi bar.
More chatting with Kent.
We talk about how lame the Skating with the Stars is.
I mainly just wanted to see Bethany skate.
I had higher hopes for the show but I don’t think I will be watching it.
I fill Kent in on the Christmas gifts I bought.
Looked at the clock.
It’s 1am.
Wayyy past my bed time.
I tell Kent and the the animals goodnight.
Yes, I say goodnight to our Rabbit Ninja!
Kent’s a night owl and usually stays up later than me.
I head up stairs get ready for bed and pass out.
It was a productive day which is a good day in my book!